Including perspectives that integrate youth involvement to promote positive development in prevention and health promotion among adolescents.

In those work environments where possible, such as in school nursing or child and youth services where patients are between 12 and 18 years old, their participation in health prevention and promotion activities should be encouraged to enhance adolescent leadership. It is evident that involving young people is an effective strategy when working with adolescents to steer their choices toward healthy lifestyles, which will significantly impact substance use.

Three key points are proposed in the literature for nursing staff to consider when designing an activity or initiative involving young people:

-Ensure the activity connects participants with the outside world.

-Ensure the activity is perceived as important and meaningful by young people.

-Ensure adolescents connect with the content of the activity and remain engaged during it.

Moreover, according to the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO), activities related to promoting physical activity could be a good alternative, as physical exercise is associated with less experimentation with alcohol, cannabis, and other substances. This practice aims to achieve the following objectives:

-Improve therapeutic relationships with adolescents.

-Demonstrate a non-judgmental mindset and provide a comfortable and confidential environment during interactions with young people.

-Engage at-risk youth in leadership roles in school. -Improve young people’s adherence to healthy behaviors.

The consulted literature points to positive outcomes when implementing this practice, with particular mention of educational environments with nursing presence. This practice has been recommended by the RNAO and can be found at

Bibliography: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2010). Enhancing Healthy Adolescent Development (Revised 2010). Toronto, ON: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.


Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, cocaine

Preventive intervention level



Primary Care, Hospital, Specialized care, Addiction treatment centers, Community settings



Age range

14 a 18


Community, empowerment, Hospital care, Leisure, primary care, school, School nursing, Social factors, teenagers, young people, youth

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