Tracking smoking habits in women during the postpartum period, reinforcing health promotion interventions and preventing relapses

Since there can be a relapse rate of up to 80% in smoking women within a year after giving birth, monitoring tobacco abstinence in the months following childbirth is recommended for those women who achieved abstinence during pregnancy, without neglecting the monitoring that is relevant during pregnancy. It is advised to offer personalized care focused on women who smoke, emphasizing the benefits of quitting smoking or reducing consumption, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding, if initiated. It is also suggested that healthcare professionals work with the partner and other family members to raise awareness about the effects of smoking and promote quitting or reducing, as long as it is safe for the woman and her environment.

This stage involves an increase in certain stressors, such as the development of the maternal role, newborn care, and others, which can be risk factors for relapses in tobacco consumption.

The main objective is to maintain tobacco abstinence and promote healthy habits that positively impact the health of the woman and her baby.

This practice is recommended by the program for the implementation of good practices in care through Centers Committed to Excellence in Care. It can be consulted at

Bibliography: Asociación Profesional de Enfermeras de Ontario (Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, RNAO) (2017). Integrar las intervenciones relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco en la práctica diaria (3a ed.) Toronto, ON: Asociación Profesional de Enfermeras de Ontario (RNAO).



Preventive intervention level



Primary Care, Hospital care, Specialized care



Age range

18 a 64


clinical interview, Community, family, holistic, Hospital care, primary care, risk factors, Social factors, woman

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