Establishing personalized Leisure Plans for those who practice chemsex

Therapeutic leisure interventions are an essential component in addressing chemsex practices. Designing a Leisure Plan that incorporates the needs and contributions of the individual involved is one of the most relevant indicated prevention strategies.

Generally, the intervention can be divided into four stages:

  1. Initial Interview: This stage involves assessing the relevance of the Leisure Plan for the individual and establishing therapeutic leisure activities. These activities will be scheduled for weekends, aiming to break the established patterns of substance use in free-time contexts.
  2. Treatment: Based on the information gathered in the initial stage, a Leisure Plan will be designed. Therapeutic leisure activities will be scheduled for weekends to disrupt the established substance use patterns, while also creating group meetings to strengthen the support network of the individuals included in the plan.
  3. Health Education, Prevention, and Promotion: This stage focuses on group activities that build community and foster the acquisition of healthy lifestyle habits. It is important that the development of the plan takes into account the individual’s community environment.
  4. Follow-Up and Continuous Evaluation: Ongoing assessment and evaluation of the case are conducted to measure the impact of the plan, monitor the individual’s progress, and identify any necessary adjustments.


Bibliography: Abordaje del fenómeno del chemsex. Secretaría del Plan Nacional sobre el Sida. Ministerio de Sanidad. 2020.


Alcohol, cocaine, Prescription and nonprescription sedatives, Opioids with or without prescription

Preventive intervention level



Primary Care, Specialized care, Addiction treatment centers, Community settings



Age range

18 o +


alcohol, Binge drinking, Community, consumption, Leisure, Social factors

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