Exploring the work relationship in individuals with stress, fatigue, and gastrointestinal issues.

Workaholism, while not recognized as a behavioral addiction in the DSM-5 or ICD-11, is often considered by many experts to fall under the category of behavioral disorders. It involves an excessive need to work, which significantly impacts the daily life of the affected person, reducing their well-being, ability to relate to others, and overall health.

It is often associated with traits such as high competitiveness, compulsive behaviors, and perfectionism. Clinically, it frequently presents with symptoms like fatigue, stress, sleep disorders, and gastrointestinal discomfort, among others. Therefore, in cases presenting with several of these symptoms, it is advisable to explore work-related dynamics and address confirmed cases in a multidisciplinary manner.

It is important to highlight that the standardization of treatments and care protocols remains challenging due to the lack of official recognition of this disorder.


Bibliography: Horcajadas FA, Ortiz LO, de Álvaro García L, Antuña Díaz MJ, Baenas I, Balcells-Oliveró M, et al. GUÍA CLÍNICA SOBRE ADICCIONES COMPORTAMENTALES BASADA EN LA EVIDENCIA. 2024;


Non-substance addicition

Preventive intervention level



Primary Care, Hospital, Specialized care, Addiction treatment centers, Community settings



Age range

18 o +


anamnesis, anxiety, holistic, insomnia

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